1/22/2007 11:00am

一出車站, 就看到滿滿的古典英國黑色計程車. 雖然在美國很久了, 但好久沒有這種到了國外的感覺. 好棒和興奮的感覺油然而生.

It only takes 15 miutes from the London Heathrow Airport to Downtown London Paddinton Rail Station via the Heathrow Express train. As soon as we stepped outside, we immiditely were greeted by tons of the tradition classic black London taxis.

Both of us lived in the North America for 15 years; yet this is the first time I really felt we are like foreigners.

2007/11/22 11:10

從火車站到旅館只有15 分鐘(沒停停走走的話10 分鐘)。短短的幾個街口,就已經讓我愛上了倫敦這個美麗的城市。

It only took us 15 minutes to get to the hotel from the train station (without stopping we could have made it in 10 minutes). I felt in love with the beautiful city right from the beginning.

2007/11/22 11:15am

We figured it was because there are tons of foreigners in London and they are not used to the left side walking, they had to paint the streets to warn the pedestrians to look right or left to watch out for the traffic.

2007/11/22 12:30pm

我們星期三半夜搭隔夜班機,所以星期四一早就到。我們知道要到下午才能拿鑰匙,所以計畫今天是搭倫敦當地的 BIG BUS TOUR 廣義地遊覽全城。這裡是我們訂的旅館 London Elizabeth 五天四夜旅館加紐約倫敦來回機票,兩人 $1700USD。我們的房間是在地下一層有小院子的一個小房間。附有免費無線上網。房間很小卻很溫馨。

2007/11/22 1pm



2007/11/22 2:30pm



第二天我們再搭 BIG BUS TOUR 但在 Marble Arch 換紅線。因為今天比較有體力,所以換了球鞋好把倫敦走遍遍。

2007/11/23 10:00am


2007/11/23 10:00am

離開 big bus tour 的車後, 我們就往白金漢宮反向走。在飛機上剛好看到旅遊介紹美麗的 James Park 於是決定走進瞧一瞧。

2007/11/23 10:30am


2007/11/23 10:39am

好特別。我們好驚訝這麼多種的鳥可以舉在同一個地方。(可以篦美的大概就是加州的MONTERAY 了)

2007/11/23 10:40am


2007/11/23 10:45am


2007/11/23 10:50am


11/23/2007 11:30am

我是真的沒想到,他們奏的樂非常現代,幾乎像是百老匯 雨果的"悲慘世界"裡那樣好聽的音樂。

I love their music. It's not as traditional as how I thought it would be. It's very modern - I thought of Victor Hugo's "Les Miserables"...

11/23/2007 11:00am

白金漢宮衛兵交接完畢散場時... 可惜沒佔到好位子, 所以看不到實際交接, 只看到衛兵進場跟出場.

We arrived too late (because I had to go to the bathroom) so we didn't get a good spot to see the actual Guard Exchange. We only saw the parade when they getting in an out of the Palace... We will come back again to see it soon!

2007/11/23 1:30pm


Big Ben reminds me the photo that my father took when he left the coutry for the first time for a business trip in London. That time I was already 3 or 4 years old and my brother was also born. Generations really change a lot in between...

2007/11/23 4pm

這就是常被一般人誤會為倫敦鐵橋的塔橋。這是塔橋不是倫敦鐵橋。不知道旁邊的 TOWER OF LONDON是一個古蹟;但是時間太晚,我們也來不及進去。

2007/11/25 6pm


2007/11/25 6:30pm






11/25/2007 8:00pm


We thought the last day would be kind of just reviewing what we visited... but surprose!! I ran into China Town, where we didn't thought to visit! It was actally nice to see that there is a clean China Town around the world.

11/26/2007 10am

最後一天早上,像是住在倫敦的市民一樣輕鬆地逛了旅館旁的海德公園。看到很多人在餵鳥,我們也跟上。這裡鳥的種類真的不少。 盼餵鳥餵得很開心。

This is the last morning of our London Trip. We had a very relaxing walk in the Hyde Park right next to our Hotel. We saw many people feeding the bird, and we didn't want to waste our over bread, so we ... : )

11/26/2007 10:30am


Princess Diana's Memorial is actually a fountain. It's just as as elegant and beautiful like Princess Diana. The flow of the water is actually different at every each turn. Brilliant Design. However, the landscape seems a little too bare... almost depresssing... not sure if this is done on purpose...

11/26/2007 11:30am



We stayed here for the entire vacation. Its right next to the Big Bus Tour Stop, the Underground Lancaster Gate Station on Redline, and many regular City Buses.

Really am thankful to the Lord for He has arranged everything. The weather was supposed to be rainy but it also ended up to be sunny.

We started to miss London very very much...

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